Hearing the voice of the one that you love first thing in the morning is such a sweet sound. I imagine that is how our voices sound to Him every day. What a gift we have to be able to have a G*d that loves us enough that He wants to talk to us.
I hear Him everyday too! I start my morning off by hearing Him in the children here at Shepherd's Field Children's Village. What a gift! My apartment is directly across from Samaritan's House and first thing in the morning, one ayi (nanny) loves to take her children with her as she gets food from the kitchen or brings the trash out. As a speech therapist, you know any one who is really helping children's language to grow by how they talk to the children and how the children imitate them. This is what I hear every morning with this nanny. When the puppies were outside, I would here her say "xiao gou" (meaning small dog) and Zephaniah, Emily, and Margaret would be repeating it right back. It brings a smile to may face, even though it is happening at 5:30 in the MORNING right outside my window while I am trying to bury myself deeper under my covers. Any of you who know me well know I love my sleep and mornings are challenging to me! G*d has a funny sense of humor as He does these things! I just wanted to share with you what I woke up to this morning outside my window.
Tristan (in orange) and Ginger on the potty
Who says potty training has to occur inside? :) Have potty, will travel!
One of my latest tasks I have chosen to do first thing in the morning is to take care of an abandoned kitten. This one was abandoned last Sunday and it was not ready to be without a mother. I have been feeding it formula with an eye dropper.
For a few days, it started to take in more and more food and was doing well. Over the past two days it has started to deteriorate...probably the reason the mother abandoned it. I don't expect it will make it through the day as its breathing is slow and labored. Many have asked "Why do you feed it? Why don't you just let nature take it's course?" This is the reason why.
This is Ling Ling. She is 16 and comes over daily to check on the puppies and the kittens. She helps me feed them and she in turn gets some unconditional love right back. Isn't that why many of us have pets?
I made a rules for the boys. We don't name any of the "orphaned" pets anymore. This means they are ours. Our daily pr*yer when we get new "orphans" is that the puppies and kittens get homes. He answered the one for the puppies. The kittens may be going to an pet shop in Shunyi later next week as I will be heading home for the summer soon. Until then, Ling Ling will help me by giving them love, food and some attention.
I am so thankful for my time with Ling Ling. She is precious. The older girls here have a hard time with her as she is a little sister mentally yet in a teenager's body. I love that about her. She just loves life to the fullest! She finds joy in the little things, such as riding tricycles that don't fit her, riding bikes with a broken seat and figuring out a way to do it because it is her favorite one or coming over to check on the liang ge xiao gou (2 puppies)and wu ge xiao mao (5 kittens) as soon as school is done for the day. Her smile always brightens my day. May you too come to love the Ling Lings in your own life.
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