It's official! I re-read the paperwork and I can finally show you who my daughter is! Woohoo! I have the pleasure of introducing you to my daughter Jade Mingcong Rittenhouse!
Jade when she was around 1 year old
Since she is an albino, she will not look very Chin*se but she is precious to me! She will have pale skin, blond if not almost white hair and probably blue eyes. Some who have seen her think her eyes are pink. Mother's whose children are albino have said that in some light, their daughter's eyes are pink. I will not know until she is in my arms but either way...she is PRECIOUS and she is MINE!
This is my favorite picture of her
These two pictures are the first ones I received. The rest are on facebook so check it out there. (Dawn Rittenhouse-friend me if you haven't yet) I have found that things upload MUCH FASTER here than in Ch*na but I am sitting in a public location as the place I am staying at doesn't have internet so I am trying to be as quick as possible. I know so many of you have been so patient in waiting for this moment! I am so glad that I am finally getting time to sit down and share it all with you! You have all been here through my journey. May you be sharing in my joy!
This is the most recent picture I have of my little one, who is actually supposed to be at least 34 inches tall! She only weighs 24 lbs so she is going to be tall and thin...something her mother NEVER was or will be! She is sporting the traditional summer buzz cut! Boys and girls get these depending on where they are living. You will note that the girls at SFCV will always have long hair and look girlie! My daughter too will one day have pretty little hair bows and clips but for maintenance hair cut it is! :)
I want to thank all of you out there who are pr*ying for us and who have donated to her adoption. You have been a part of raising over $5000! Praise G*d! We still have a long way to go but He has given me tokens for good with hopes of grants and loans. I just spoke to someone at A Child Waits Foundation ( and had very encouraging news. He is so faithful! I can't wait to see all that He is still going to do! The time is getting close. My agency projects a possible travel date of July 30th but I still need to finish a Homestudy Update that must be approved by Immigration and Ch*na before I can travel. If He is sending me at the end of the month, He has LOTS to finish...grants/loans approved, a house rented, new home for two cats, car possibly sold, and lots of decisions to make. Fortunately I know He is not too busy to handle this really BIG list! He will direct me through the doors He wants me to walk through in HIS perfect timing. Just pr*y I hear and am obedient!
She is beautiful! I think I may have been confused in the email I sent you. Sorry
Hello! I found you through another adoption blog, and I see you are adopting a little girl with albinism. If you're not already part of the BaiChina yahoo!group, you may want to join. There's a wealth of information about albinism there.
Also, about the pink eyes, if you visit my blog you will very clearly see the violet color that is visible in my daughter's eyes in some light. Click on the fifth photo and take a look. Q's eyes never look pink. They look crisp, sky blue in most light. In other light, they appear a beautiful violet color (as in the photo). Q has no pigment in the outer edges of her iris, and she has very low pigment over all.
Your Jade is beautiful! I know she will be a huge blessing to your life. Congratulations!
I cannot believe I stumbled across your blog. We met in late January when my husband Mike, son Harrison and I came to visit PHF where our daughter ("Jasmine" at PHF) was for a year before adopting her. Your daughter is gorgeous!!! I had no idea you were adopting. Ok, I have to go back and read everything.
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