Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Joseph

How precious is Your loving kindness, O G*d! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 36:7

March is a busy month for birthdays here at Shepherd's Field Children's Village. Yesterday was the first of many. On March 1, 1999, Joseph was born.

Joseph and Christina
Joseph is such a good friend. He has a friend, Jamison, who he helps get around. Jamison suffered damage to his eyes and needs help to get around. Joseph is that friend that makes sure Jamison has someone to hold onto and follow.

Gregg, Grady, Ling Ling and Joseph
He is quite the artist. I have seen his work and he has really enjoyed doing a variety of art projects. Leah recently posted more about Joseph on our PHF blog. Check it out here.

Joseph has a heart condition. In reality, don't we all have a heart condition? Where is your heart right now? Who holds your heart? For me, it is my L*rd and Savi*r, J*sus Chr*st. My hope and pr*yer for all of you is that one day, He will hold yours too. The last six years of my life have been the best part of my life. In February 2003, my heart was healed. The Great Physician healed my brokenness. I pr*y that the children here come to know Him so their brokenness of being an orphan can be healed. May you let Him into your heart so He can heal yours too.

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