Monday, September 7, 2009

Silk, Pearls, and The Summer Palace

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46
Today started out with a wonderful blessing. We all went to my home church, Beijing International Christian Fellowship (BICF). The worship was wonderful. As we sang of all that Christ has given us by dying on the cross to save us, it made me think about all He has taken me through to get me to the moment of receiving Jade as my daughter. Thank you Lord for loving me enough to make me into the mother she needs me to be.
We left BICF and headed to the Pearl Market. Here we learned that oysters don’t just make one pearl inside. The one we opened actually had 20+ pearls inside it! We also went to the silk museum. One of the things I wanted to bring home was a silk purse. I had bought one on my first trip to China. I brought it with me to China but it was stolen from my luggage. I have hunted all over China this past year looking for one I loved as much…no additional luck today. I guess it just isn’t something that I needed.
We went to the Summer Palace in the rain. It was extremely cold and was wishing I was smart enough to pack pants for me. Oh yeah…mommy demerit #1…forgot to pack pants for Jade too. The next two days are supposed to be cool and nothing offends the Chinese more than children not dressed in enough layers. Guess we will be visiting Walmart sooner than expected! I wish I could tell you some interesting facts about the Summer Palace but I wasn’t paying attention. Sorry.
Mom and I are heading to bed. They are picking up our luggage at 6:30 am so we can head to the train station. We are taking the newest train to Tianjin in the morning. I sit here excited and nervous, hoping I am prepared for this. I know that no parent enters into parenthood knowing all that they needed to know or are “ready” to handle everything that they will face. No one else was, so why should I expect to be? Fortunately, I know I’ll be alright. I have the one who knows everything walking through this with me…what more could I ask for. Thank you Lord for being there for me and my daughter, Jade.

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